Erasing you

Memories are so vivid and so impacting. You need to go back to them once every other night. To make you live, to make you feel human, to make your heart beat. But there is a day, when you need to make them go away.

I have had always sought to do go back to those memories on those nights, those evenings, when I opened my palms , closing my eyes , trying to feel those long tender soft fingers in between. But yet I close them into a fist, only to feel my fingernails pinching into my life line. Cutting into my life line, hurting me, deep inside...deep deep inside.

It is time for closure. I sought it. It is a joyous feeling, it is a suspense, it is a pain. It is indeed a confusing instant. I am happy for the love of my life to be happy, I am mellow for myself. I want to be selfish, but I can't be, I am just not that. I am happy for you. For who is happy , to see me away, free, careless, above all the others. This brings tears to my eyes. 
Makes no sense, I want to be happy, I am smiling, with a dry mouth.

But at least there is someone else,

And for me...I have to share this with a key board and 14" LCD screen . Goodbye 25 years !


  1. there is always another beginning after you let go an old chapter..keep smiling..u look even more devil :)

  2. touching - very!
    but life has a lot to offer, just like the pain
    it is as beautiful as u make it - and i know u have the talent to do tht :)

  3. Sometimes appreciation has no words, just a smile to offer - Its one of those instants rightnow! :)

  4. naya blog chahiye paul...naya waala!

  5. very emotive....n life goes on n u move on....:)

  6. very emotive....n life goes on n u move on....:)

  7. Just re-read this post! You should resume blogging... may not fit into the routine, I've also been trying since long! But you must, its a treat to read! :)


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