
Showing posts from December, 2006

Randomly Missing the days

The best thing about being young and tiny is that you care for no one. I miss those days, when I would be by myself. The world was all good. No one was critical of what I did. I loved to play, soil my clothes and dared to imagine what I wished. I did not worry about any girl or subject or money or career or politics or ………or…..or…… I was cute, very very very cute. Everybody loved me. And I loved to hug my mom a lot, jump on her stomach every now and then. I would worry when my dad would be late from his MNC. I miss my mother’s baby talk and my Dad’s simple middle class moustache. I miss those days when I could negotiate a rupee for the bubblegum. I miss those days when I would sleep off in the bus and forget to get down on my stop. I really miss the water bottle and the BMX bike. I miss those people who would pull my cheeks and give me pat on the back for no reason at all. There were those days in school when I was wild, when I was trying hard to fall in love. Love stories in the m