
Showing posts from December, 2009

2 states : The pirated version

For all the bhakts of C.Bhagat , this is not the place to be. I don't write like him. My English is in house developed rather that the Oxford dictionary consulted one. I am not an IIT-IIM combo superstar who can tell you fundoo stories. Nothing glorious has happened in my life. So let's get it straight, read it and I beg you to please like it. I am doing this for free. Now that I have got your expectations down to the mean sea level, it's time for me to dazzle you with my little encounters of the two most stereotyped Indian people. Just before Christmas I got the 'opportunity' to visit the only Indian metropolis I haven't resided in - Chennai. Chennai scares me - for two reasons - I don't know the language they understand and I think I may be looked down upon because of my obvious non-vegetarian looks. More like vampire looks. Anyway I would go anywhere for more frequent flier miles, I am bikaoo . So here I was in my flight to Chennai sitting window-s ide,

Sincity du Inde

1989 - The Berlin wall fell. Hamburger eating Yankees celebrated, but they forgot an essential part of Soviet Union to dismantle. KOLKATA ! I had become very comfortable with Mumbai, even though I was getting robbed of my money there. The thought of being 'sent' to Kolkata, sent shivers down my spine. I was going to the place which had the reputation of being slower than snails. The place where being fat is mandatory and 50 paise coins are used a lot. I was being sent back in time, to 1954. I had started imaging myself in black & white surroundings, riding hand pulled rickshaws, sleeping before 8 and eating rice for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, refreshments and cocktails ! People usually cheer you up with the weirdest bullshit when things happen to you. Like - "You'll have more holidays", "Girls are easy there", "It's your homeland". But the best bullshit I got to listen to is , you are being sent there as a "resource". O