A bitter sweet symphony - Part 2

ETME-110 - Mechanics - Marks Obtained=47 - Credits Earned =0, that’s how the second year started. That Bee Gees song was a perfect fit for the moment - Tragedy. GGSIPU had a nice way of telling me that I shouldn’t give IIT mains a day before your mechanics semester exam. Point noted. For those who still don’t get it , I had managed to earn a backlog or if I simpy put it I had failed. But that is just OK. I knew what I’m capable of and moved on.

We had come of age. All of us in the group were now in possession of the teenage toy - the mobile phone. We people are Information Technology students. We need a mobile phone. Mobile phone provides 'information' and it is the latest 'technology'. Hence Proved, that we all rightly needed mobile phones. Maybe that was not the right reason. Everyone in my gang, or the group if you like, were now in a relationship. They were in ‘el oh vee ee’. I say they, because I used to apply an anti-cupid cream. I was spared. Lucky me. So to keep in touch, the lovestruck require mobile phones. Hutch, Idea, Airtel, MTNL , Reliance, you name it , we had it. What we didn’t have was the balance required to make a call.

Studies got interesting for the first time in my life. Data structures was being forced down the throat of many, but I liked it. Because I was good at it. Our proctor, Monika (erstwhile Nagpal) ma’am got to know us better. She was a nice lady to get your scolding from. We liked her, because she liked to give us the freedom we wanted from the college life. Then there was Himani ma’am, yes the one who looked more like a student . She laid our 'Foundations To Computer Science'. We enjoyed her smile and her laugh more than the tautologies and weird theorems. Nevertheless, it was a very enriching autumn session. I got to know I was good. The whole semester I did was study. I got uncomfortable with some people in my group by now, which was sad. I wished it had never come to this. I should have been less idealistic and more practical. It made a huge crack in the group. I place the blame on no one. Although, this was mended in the coming years, slowly.

The next semester brought someone who every one knows by the name ‘Golu’ sir, to the campus. He would ‘talk to us’ about modulation techniques and gave us a lot of hope of becoming real engineers. We liked his style. It was cool.

Now, introducing ……… Vikas Garg. In some time to come he would provide inspiration to the stand up comedian Sunil Pal for his character Ratan Nora. This guy must have weighed 25 kilos or something. And he could hide behind a coaxial cable. So we never played hide and seek with him. The poor guy met with a horrible accident. He got hit by an Indica while on his bike. And he became an X-men. He was fitted with a steel rod in his leg. He was now Wolverine’s Indian brother. He gave his practical exams from an ambulance and arrived at Bharti Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering in an ambulance to write his semesters. He is now very well.

Some more things happened in between, I started driving to college now. I had now a pair of spectacles to give me a clearer vision of my life. I was getting somewhere.

We had enrolled for summer training at CMC. I got to discover a language that I would become very good at. Microsoft’s Visual Basic 6, now with power boosters. Contains added problems and deficiencies. However, I became a good programmer with it. I learned how to go about a project. I discovered that I could become a leader. The awakening had begun…..


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